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Alcoholism does not discriminate; there are a great number of people in Columbia, Missouri that have are struggling with alcoholism than ever before. The need for a greater number of Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Centers to be available in Columbia, Missouri has never been more dire.
People in Columbia that are raised in a family that has a history of alcoholism, are more likely to begin drinking as teenagers .Although alcoholism generally develops in early adulthood, the elderly in Columbia may also be a vulnerable group. Physicians often overlook the signs of alcoholism when evaluating elderly patients, and mistakenly contribute them to the normal effects of the aging process. There are many reasons why an individual from Columbia can fall prey to an alcohol addiction.
Alcoholism has damaging effects not only on the individual from Columbia with an alcohol addiction, but also on their loved ones. For this reason, receiving professional treatment at an Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Center at the first sign of trouble is vital. Because many people that have an alcoholism problem in Columbia, MO. may also suffer from depression and in some instances suicidal tendencies, a sense of urgency in getting help is necessary; many serious health problems have been related to alcoholism including heart problems, digestive disorders and liver problems.
A professional Alcohol Treatment Facility is the answer to alcoholism for individuals in Columbia, MO. that have a problem in this area; finding quality rehabilitation for the person could potentially be a life saving measure. Once an individual from Columbia, MO. recognizes that they have an alcoholism problem, a sense of urgency is needed in order to secure a quality Alcoholism Rehabilitation Program; if a person has too much time to think, they may begin to minimize the seriousness of their alcohol addiction and change their mind about receiving the help that they so desperately need.
The process of helping an individual to safely manage the physical alcohol withdrawal symptoms is referred to as the detoxification and withdrawal process. Because of some of the dangerous withdrawal symptoms that are related to this treatment process, an individual from Columbia, Missouri should always have the benefit of professional supervision within a Columbia Alcohol Rehab Program.
There are many different types of treatment for alcoholism that are located in and around Columbia, Missouri including spiritually based programs, 12-step alcohol addiction rehab treatment programs, residential inpatient treatment, holistic alcohol addiction treatment, short term and long term rehab treatment, and outpatient rehab programs, just to name a select few.
Our main goal it is to provide professional assistance to individuals and their loved ones from Columbia, Missouri that are suffering with an alcohol addiction, so that they can begin to experience healing from the damaging effects of alcoholism; call our toll-free number right and speak to a counselor who cares.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in Columbia, Missouri
- Compass Health Inc Columbia, MO, 65203
- DRD Management Inc Columbia, MO, 65202
- Great Circle Columbia, MO, 65201
- Reality House Programs Inc Columbia, MO, 65202
- Escape Alcohol and Drug LLC Columbia, MO, 65201
- Burrell Behavioral Health Columbia, MO, 65201
- Burrell Central Region Columbia, MO, 65201
- Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans Hosp Columbia, MO, 65201
- Phoenix Programs Inc Columbia, MO, 65202
- New Horizons Community Support Servs Columbia, MO, 65201
- Contact Us
- Approximately one in four children is part of a family experiencing alcoholism, addiction, or alcohol abuse.
- In 2008, about 7.2% of pregnant women used alcohol.
- Among 12-to 17-year-olds who consume alcohol, an estimated 31% had extreme levels of psychological distress, and 39% exhibited serious behavioral problems.
- An estimated 50,000 cases of alcohol poisoning are reported each year.
- AA Meetings in Columbia, MO.
A Step Forward
Stephens Visitor Center
1215 E Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 9:00 AM
As Bill Sees It
Unity Center
1600 W Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 7:00 PM
Awareness Group
Wilkes Blvd Methodist Church
702 Wilkes Blvd
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Friday, 7:30 PM
Beginning Meeting
Truman Va Hospital
800 Hospital Dr
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 8:00 PM
Big Book Study
Unity Center
1600 W Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 8:00 PM
Choices Group
Hillel Foundation
1107 University Ave
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 8:00 PM
Columbia Group
Ocaat Club
2400 E Business Loop 70
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 12:00 PM
Friday, 12:00 PM
Wednesday, 12:00 PM
Tuesday, 12:00 PM
Monday, 12:00 PM
Saturday, 12:00 PM
Sunday, 12:00 PM
Columbia Group 2
Ocaat Club
2400 E Business Loop 70
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 5:30 PM
Tuesday, 5:30 PM
Friday, 5:30 PM
Wednesday, 5:30 PM
Columbia Group 3
Ocaat Club
2400 E Business Loop 70
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 8:00 PM
Saturday, 8:00 PM
Tuesday, 8:00 PM
Thursday, 8:00 PM
Wednesday, 8:00 PM
Monday, 8:00 PM
Sunday, 8:00 PM
Columbia Group 4
Ocaat Club
2400 E Business Loop 70
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 10:30 PM
Columbia Group 5
Ocaat Club
2400 E Business Loop 70
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 10:00 AM
Gratitude Group
Unity Center
1600 W Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 11:00 AM
Happy Hour
Russel Chapel Basement
108 E Ash
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 7:30 PM
Last Call Group
Russel Chapel Basement
108 E Ash
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 9:00 PM
More Than Soup Group
Salvation Army Harbor House
602 N Ann Street
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 7:30 PM
New Beginnings
Mccambridge Center
201 N Garth
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 6:30 PM
Out Of The Ashes
Phoenix House
607 S 5th Street
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 8:00 PM
Friday, 8:00 PM
Serenity Group
Broadway Christian Church
2601 W Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 8:15 PM
Sisters Of Sobriety
Community United Methodist
3301 W Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Tuesday, 6:30 PM
Thursday, 6:30 PM
Southside Center
University Hospital
1 Hospital Drive
Columbia, Missouri 65212
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 7:00 PM
Third Legacy Meeting
Rock Bridge Christian Church
301 Green Meadows Court
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 6:30 PM
Tradition Iii Group
Rock Bridge Christian Church
301 Green Meadows Court
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 7:30 PM
Monday, 7:30 PM
Community United Methodist
3301 W Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Thursday, 8:00 PM
Westside Group
Community United Methodist
3301 W Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 8:00 PM
- Columbia, MO. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Broadway Christian Church
Keep It Simple Afg
2601 West Broadway
Columbia, Missouri
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Wed., 8:15 PM
First Christian Church
Peace Of Mind Alateen (Age 10-20)
10 Th & Walnut
Columbia, Missouri
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Sat., 11:00 AM
Sat., 11:00 AM
Mo United Methodist Christian Life Center
There Is Hope AFG
204 S. 9th St
Columbia, Missouri
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 5:30 PM
Odat Club
Serenity Odat AFG
2400 Business Loop 70 East (enter Through West Door)
Columbia, Missouri
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 8:00 PM
St Andrews Lutheran Church
Hope for Healing Afg
914 Southwest Blvd (enter Through East Doors)
Columbia, Missouri
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Thu., 12:00 PM
Wilkes Blvd United Methodist Church
New Hope Afg
702 Wilkes Blvd (enter Through South Door)
Columbia, Missouri
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Tue., 7:30 PM
Fri., 7:30 PM
For more information, visit