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Many people in Rolla, Missouri are struggling with alcoholism and are in need of a quality Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Center in order for them to begin to get their lives back on track. By the time an individual from Rolla, Missouri gets professional help for their alcohol addiction, it may have already wreaked havoc in almost every significant area of their lives.
When an individual from Rolla begins to drink at an early age or has they will have a higher tendency of developing an alcohol addiction. The risk of alcoholism in an individual from Rolla, MO. is increased by a lack of family support or the absence of a network of caring acquaintances; an alcohol addiction only escalates when the person becomes isolated.
Because of the physical, psychological, and economic effects of an alcohol addiction, it is important for an individual from Rolla, MO. to receive immediate help; an alcoholism problem can destroy a marriage and has ended many promising careers. Alcoholism can cause the individual from Rolla to suffer from depression and anxiety; alcohol use alters the brain and can cause major changes in behavior that can result in the individual having problems in many of their relationships with others.
The importance of receiving treatment for alcoholism cannot be understated because of some of the life threatening health problems that are related to an alcohol addiction, such as heart damage, digestive disorders and cirrhosis of the liver, which can be deadly.
The first component of a Rolla, MO. Alcohol Treatment Facility is the alcohol detoxification; this process is conducted in order to safely manage the physical withdrawal symptoms that can occur. When a person who has been drinking for a significant amount of time stops abruptly, they will experience moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms. Because these symptoms can sometimes be life threatening, an individual from Rolla should have the professional support of the staff at an Alcoholism Rehabilitation Program.
There are many different modalities of Alcoholism Rehab Programs that are available in Rolla, Missouri for individuals that are suffering with an alcoholism problem. If the individual in Rolla refuses to acknowledge that they have a problem with drinking, the alcohol addiction rehab treatment may require an intervention; there is also residential inpatient alcohol addiction rehab treatment, and holistic alcohol addiction treatment, outpatient treatment programs, and alcohol counseling, just to name a select few.
Our caring counselors are standing by to help guide you or your loved one from Rolla to the best type of alcohol addiction treatment that is available for your individual circumstances; they will develop a personalized treatment plan so that you can finally be free from your alcohol addiction.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Rolla, Missouri
- Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health Rolla, MO, 65401
- Phelps County Regional Medical Center Rolla, MO, 65401
- Pathways Comm Behav Healthcare Inc Rolla, MO, 65401
- Compass Health Inc Rolla, MO, 65401
- Woodridge of Missouri LLC Waynesville, MO, 65583
- Piney Ridge Center Waynesville, MO, 65583
- Missouri Alcohol Drug Assessment Owensville, MO, 65066
- Missouri Baptist Hospital Sullivan, MO, 63080
- SSM St. Marys Hospital Jefferson City, MO, 65109
- Advanced Treatment and Recovery Union, MO, 63084
- Contact Us
- Naltrexone is a drug that was approved by the American FDA in 1994 to help alcoholics who want to stop drinking but have trouble with relapse; this drug is reported to work on the endorphin system of the brain and is currently available in 35 countries.
- Long-term alcohol consumption can cause respiratory dangers include respiratory depression and failure, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung abscesses.
- According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, alcohol-related negative consequences experienced by college students often result from acute heavy drinking episodes rather than chronic heavy use.
- Brain imaging studies have found that after consuming alcohol, even social drinkers find it difficult to tell the difference between threatening and non-threatening social stimulus.
- AA Meetings in Rolla, MO.
804 N Main St
804 N Main St
Rolla, Missouri 65401
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 4:00 PM
Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Thursday, 7:30 PM
Friday, 7:30 PM
Christ Episcopal Church
1000 N Main St
Rolla, Missouri 65401
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 12:00 PM
Rolla Wednesday Night Group
Presbyterian Church
10th And Holloway
Rolla, Missouri 65401
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Wednesday, 7:30 PM
- Rolla, MO. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Central Community Church Of God
Loving Friends Afg
1400 North Olive (4th & Olive Sts)
Rolla, Missouri
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Tue., 7:00 PM
For more information, visit