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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in O Fallon, MO. are a serious concern in the community, as these problems wreak havoc for individuals who suffer from them. Although alcohol use is extremely common and accepted amongst most people in O Fallon, it is still a drug. Although it is a legal drug, there is a 1 out of 10 chance that someone who drinks will become an alcoholic. Alcohol addiction and alcoholism can destroy a person physically and psychologically, and that is why it is such a serious problem.
An individual addicted to alcohol in O Fallon may be experiencing emotional pain or a going through a tough time in life; problems which he may be trying to numb with alcohol. Having a drink may seem like an easy solution to feel more sociable. But alcohol is a depressant, and like any other drug can turn into addiction and alcoholism in an instant.
Someone suffering from alcohol addiction and alcoholism in O Fallon, Missouri begins to make destructive choices which damage relationships and make their problems in life worse. Alcohol also negatively affects every organ in the body, creating damage with every drink. Individuals who are involved in alcohol addiction should seek help from an Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Center immediately before the problem gets worse, ultimately taking their life.
An Alcohol Treatment Facility is an individual's best bet to be able to overcome alcohol addiction in O Fallon. The chances of someone helping themselves by quitting "cold turkey" aren't very good, because the reason they became addicted in the first place isn't being resolved. The individual who seeks treatment at an Alcoholism Rehabilitation Program is in a much better position to experience a lasting recovery.
Someone addicted to alcohol in O Fallon, MO. who suddenly ceases to drink will most likely manifest physical symptoms called withdrawal. An Alcohol Rehab/Detoxification Facility in O Fallon, MO. has successfully supervised countless individuals through withdrawal and alcohol detoxification and can make it as smooth a process as possible. The individual will then be able to get started on their next steps of rehabilitation.
Someone seeking alcohol addiction and alcoholism treatment can chose from a variety of options available in O Fallon, Missouri including Long-term Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs, Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Centers, Short-term Alcohol Addiction Rehab Facilities, Inpatient Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Programs, support group meetings, alcohol abuse counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
Someone who has the courage to face their demons can make the choice to do so by seeking treatment at an Alcohol Rehab Program today. Make the decision to do so and contact an Alcohol Treatment Program in O Fallon to find out which treatment option is best for you.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around O Fallon, Missouri
- Eastern MO Alt Sentencing Services Inc O Fallon, MO, 63366
- Compass Health DBA Crider Health Ctr O Fallon, MO, 63366
- Alternative Behavioral Care St. Peters, MO, 63376
- Alternative Behavioral Health St. Peters, MO, 63376
- SSM St. Joseph Health Center Wentzville, MO, 63385
- Compass Health St. Charles, MO, 63301
- St. Louis Behav Medicine Institute Chesterfield, MO, 63017
- BJC Behavioral Health North Division Bridgeton, MO, 63044
- SSM DePaul Health Center Bridgeton, MO, 63044
- Centrec Care St. Louis, MO, 63141
- Contact Us
- Chronic heavy alcohol consumption can reduce the body's responsiveness to insulin and cause glucose intolerance in both healthy individuals and alcoholics with liver cirrhosis.
- The amount of cable network alcohol ads that exceeded the alcoholic-beverage industry�''s 30% underage audience threshold nearly doubled to 18,027 in 2004, up from 9,235 in 2001.
- "Blackouts", are not diagnostic of alcohol dependence; they are memory lapses caused by heavy drinking, where the individual does not pass out, but appears to act relatively normal during drinking.
- Hundreds of scientific research studies around the world have clearly demonstrated that alcohol advertising does not lead to increases in drinking abuse or drinking problems; alcohol advertising continues because effective ads can increase a brand's share of the total market.
- AA Meetings in O Fallon, MO.
212 Club
204 West Pitman
O Fallon, Missouri 63366
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 12:00 PM
Sunday, 12:00 PM
Thursday, 12:00 PM
Monday, 12:00 PM
Wednesday, 12:00 PM
Friday, 12:00 PM
Tuesday, 12:00 PM
212 Club 2
212 Club
204 West Pitman
O Fallon, Missouri 63366
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 6:00 PM
Thursday, 6:00 PM
Wednesday, 6:00 PM
Tuesday, 6:00 PM
Monday, 6:00 PM
Sunday, 6:00 PM
Saturday, 6:00 PM
212 Club 3
212 Club
204 West Pitman
O Fallon, Missouri 63366
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 8:00 PM
Friday, 8:00 PM
Thursday, 8:00 PM
Wednesday, 8:00 PM
Tuesday, 8:00 PM
Monday, 8:00 PM
Sunday, 8:00 PM
212 Club 4
212 Club
204 West Pitman
O Fallon, Missouri 63366
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 10:00 PM
Saturday, 10:00 PM
212 Club 5
212 Club
204 West Pitman
O Fallon, Missouri 63366
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 8:00 AM
212 Club 6
212 Club
204 West Pitman
O Fallon, Missouri 63366
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 9:00 AM
Discovery Church
8134 Mexico Road
O Fallon, Missouri 63366
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 7:00 AM
Wednesday, 7:00 AM
Immaculate Conception Church
2079 Hanley
O Fallon, Missouri 63368
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 7:00 PM
For more information, visit